The Corona This is the sun’s outermost atmospheric layer. The corona is so hot that scientists do not have any scientific explanation for it. It transforms into the solar wind when it reaches 13 million kilometers from the surface of the sun. This strong plasma gust floats off the sun’s surface and through our solar …

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  According to studies, the sun can go through a quiet period and then transition to one that has solar fireworks. This often happens every 11 years. Scientists have a clear view of the sun’s activities because it is the closest star to the Earth. That is why they can observe the solar cycle well. …

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As countries like the United States and United Kingdom inoculate their residents with never-before-used vaccine technology, others, including Russia, China, and India, are investing in more traditional approaches, like inactivated coronavirus vaccines. But no matter the technique, together they have the potential to create multiple lines of defense against SARS-CoV-2. Science Senior Correspondent Jon Cohen explains how each …

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