The great observatories of the world are responsible for many of the prolific astronomical observations of the twentieth century. Telescopic photograpy, radio dish data collection, and infrared imaging are among the many different techniques observatories have been able to employ to learn about the heavens. The Palomar Observatory may be the most famous of all. …
Category: Science Blog
In the effort to get away from our oil and coal dependency, nuclear energy is getting attention again. Here is an overview of nuclear energy. An Overview of Nuclear Energy Harnessing a chemical reaction at the nuclear level of certain materials produces nuclear energy. The process is known as nuclear fission. Nuclear fission occurs when …
Butterflies are famous for colorful wings. Yet, the glasswing butterfly has transparent wings. These butterflies use their wings to be in stealth mode and hide even if they are in lain sight. Glasswing butterflies have spindly scales creating a see-through membrane. It has antireflective properties. That is why these butterflies evade detection. The trait of …
Glasswing Butterflies Transform Their Wings Into Transparent OnesRead More »
NASA is Investigating UFO Sightings In the latter part of 2017, Politico and the New York times published reports about Navy pilots having spotted strange moving objects performing highly-advanced maneuvers. The same report revealed that the United States Department of Defense creates the AATP (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program) in 2007. This new organization aims …
7 Stress-Reducing Strategies for Teachers For a teacher, stress is almost guaranteed. There are always papers to grade, assignments to review and tough kids to deal with. With this certainty in mind, a teacher should always be prepared to respond to stressful situations … and how you routinely do that can make the difference …
Honest … I think the video on the below link speaks for itself. Simply awesome. I had no idea there were this many earthquakes during that time frame. You really need to watch this one! Earthquake Compilation … and be sure to watch it in full page mode!
Adding a dash of herbs to our favorite dishes is a common practice in the kitchen. After all, who here isn’t eager to try out a new savory and aromatic dining experience– a fresh new take on otherwise bland and redundant food? Infusing our dishes with the right combination of herbs can easily …
How to Dry Parsley from the Garden Using a Microwave OvenRead More »
5 Reasons Science Projects Are More Fun Than Reading A Book If you are thinking of something to keep your kids occupied with on a rainy day, a science project is definitely more fun than reading books and watching TV! If you wonder why, read on! Most science projects are conducted using household things. As …
5 Reasons Science Projects Are More Fun Than Reading A BookRead More »
[wp_ad_camp_2] 4 Ways To Make Weekly Science Projects Part Of Your Routine One of the best ways to spend quality time with your child is by incorporating weekly science projects as part of your daily routine. This helps build their interest in science, and also improve their analytical skills. Don’t think that you …
4 Ways To Make Weekly Science Projects Part Of Your RoutineRead More »
I know all the old bookmarks, and even new attempts to reach us probably didn’t work for about a week or so. And that’s one of the reasons changing things was put off for so long. But I just couldn’t wrestle with the old format any longer. So here we go … on a new …