I know all the old bookmarks, and even new attempts to reach us probably didn’t work for about a week or so. And that’s one of the reasons changing things was put off for so long. But I just couldn’t wrestle with the old format any longer.
So here we go … on a new journey with a new platform and lots of new help to keep it fresh and up to date for you all.
In fact, I would like to invite you to participate. In the upper right hand corner you’ll see a “Contact Us” menu item. You can click on that and say hi if you like, but if you hover on that you’ll also see you can request a topic for us to write about (or an experiment to do) … or you can actually write about a science topic, project you did or an experiment you performed yourself and submit it to us for review and posting on the site!
And I welcome your comments, questions and participation every step of the way with blog comments, by contact form or with written content you would like to see published.
Again … we’re glad you’re here and welcome to Science!
We’ll do our best to show “how things work” …
Just wanted to say that I just found this website and it’s absolutely fab! Please post more often. My hubby, kids and I love figuring out how things work.
Thanks Jessica … we intend to!!