Have you ever wondered what the freezing point of water is? Do know how salt affects the freezing point of water as well?
This simple and fun science project will help you get the answer to both questions.
What you need:
• A small string or thread
• Water
• Table salt
• Small toys that can fit compartments of an ice cube tray
• Ice cube tray (silicon)
How to do it:
1. The nigh before you perform the project, make sure you make ice cubes by placing the small toys in the tray compartments first before filling them with water.
2. Place the tray into the freezer.
3. Next day, take the ice cubes out of the tray.
4. Place your ice cubes on a platter and dust them with salt.
5. Get one thread and place one end of it on the ice.
6. Press the end of the thread onto the ice with your finger for a few seconds.
7. Remove your finger and lift the ice cubes by the thread (if the string didn’t stick, try to leave it on there for longer.
Water becomes ice when its surroundings have a temperature of 32F or 0C (freezing point)or lower. On the other hand, ice melts when its surroundings have a temperature of 32F or 0C.
The ice cubes start to melt at room temperature. At 0C, freezing and melting processes occur simultaneously. At room temperature, melting happens more quickly.
When you add salt, the freezing slows down, and melting quickens. Salt actually reduces water’s freeing point.