When you have too many seasonal fruits in your kitchen, you often want to taste them all at the same time. There are times when you pick a bunch of them and peel them all at the same time for convenient eating. Yet, have you ever thought that peeling the fruit removes its first layer …

Does Peeling Fruit Make it Deteriorate Faster?Read More »

Batteries from veggies

    Ok, the above image is a bit of an exaggeration, but batteries do generate electricity (so to speak) by using two dissimilar metals and an electrolytic solution. This is the same principle that is used to turn veggies into batteries since vegetables and fruits are filled with natural electrolytic material, the most important …

How to Turn Veggies into BatteriesRead More »

Borage Plant in Bloom

Beneficial Insects For Your Garden The amount of time spent on this project can vary. If you choose to plant your plants from seeds, it will take longer before you can actually begin your project unless you watch from the time your plants sprout. You can also choose to get plants that are already grown …

Beneficial Insects For Your GardenRead More »